This year we celebrate the 33rd anniversary of the first edition of AL Motakamel ERP.
An agreement was signed with a Qlik co. (the second largest company in the world in the field of dashBoard) which has been licensed to use the Dash Board Qlik Sense in the design of ALMotakamel DashBoard.
Ofis Soft Started its a new branch at Sultanate of OMAN
Top Ten ERP purchase criteria

People buy ERP systems all the time. Well, OK, people buy ERP systems from time to time. They learn a lot between experiences. Hence, it’s interesting to note — in a study reputedly attributed to Big 4 accounting firm Deloitte & Touche who studied the responses of people who bought software systems – how experiences varied between inexperienced and experienced buyers.
In their survey , they sought input from folks who were first-time buyers of ERP systems, versus those tagged as “second-time” buyers. I would take the latter simply to mean, more broadly, “experienced” buyers. Asked to rank the importance of various key purchase factors, each group ranked their concerns as follows…
For the result of the survey please click the button bellow
About AL Motakamel ERP
ORACLE Based Products.
Web-Enabled Versions
True Bilingual (Arabic / Latin).
Support Multi Companies and branches .
Easy to use, Flexible and Expandable.
User can add his Own Fields (Flex fields. )
Advanced Dashboard tool.
Workflow system
Consolidation System
E-Mail and mobile advanced alert system
Report Mailing Schedules.
Customized Mobile Solutions.
Multi Level Powerful Security System.
Full integration between all modules.
Report Generator.
Easy Replication Tool.
Internal messaging system.